Month: September 2019

Week in Review
Here is a snapshot of the cases filed by Wiggins Childs Pantazis Fisher & Goldfarb LLC in the last two weeks:
Federal Filings:
September 4, 2019
Anderson, et al. v. Sanders Engineering, et al.
- Filed by Rachel McGinley in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 1:19-cv-00608
- Type of case: Employment, FLSA
September 6, 2019
Neal v. GMRI, Inc. d/b/a Cheddars Scratch Kitchen, et al.
- Filed by Temple Trueblood in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama Southern Division
- Civil Action No.: 1:19-cv-00647
- Type of case: Employment, Sexual harassment, Retaliation
September 9, 2019
Blackman v. The Travelers Companies, Inc.
- Filed by Jon C. Goldfarb, William Smith and Christina Malmat in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Southern Division
- Civil Action No.: 2:19-cv-01495
- Type of case: Employment, Title VII, Pregnancy Discrimination Act
September 10, 2019
Daniels, et al. v. Lalita, LLC, d/b/a One Stop 36
- Filed by Rocco Calamusa, Jr. in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama Mobile Division
- Civil Action No.: 1:19-cv-00628
- Type of case: Employment, Gender discrimination, harassment. Title VII
September 11, 2019
Kates v. EBSCO Industries, Inc.
- Filed by Jon Goldfarb, William Smith and Christina Malmat in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Southern Division
- Civil Action No.: 2:19-cv-01513
- Type of case: Employment, Gender discrimination, EEOC
September 11, 2019
Green v. Wilkie
- Filed by Jon Goldfarb, William Smith and Christina Malmat in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Southern Division
- Civil Action No.: 2:19-cv-01535
- Type of case: Employment, Title VII, Gender discrimination, Sexual harassment, Retaliation.
September 16, 2019
Ricks v. Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Directors
- Filed by Jon Goldfarb, William Smith and Christina Malmat in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Southern Division
- Civil Action No.: 2:19-cv-01536
- Type of case: Employment, Title VII, Racial discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation.
September 16, 2019
Atkinson v. Below the Radar, LLC d/b/a Below Radar Brewery
- Filed by Robert Camp in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Northern Division
- Civil Action No.: 5:19-cv-01539
- Type of case: Employment, Title VII, EEOC, Gender discrimination
September 18, 2019
Gardner v. ROAR Management Group, et al.
- Filed by Gregory O. Wiggins in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Southern Division
- Civil Action No.: 2:19-cv-01549-GMB
- Type of case: Employment, Discrimination, Racial Discrimination

Week in Review
Here is a snapshot of the cases filed by Wiggins Childs Pantazis Fisher & Goldfarb LLC in the last two weeks:
Federal Filings:
August 26, 2019
Stinson v. United State Steel Corporation
- Filed by Temple Trueblood in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Southern Division
- Civil Action No.: 2:19-cv-01396-AKK
- Type of case: Employment, Discrimination, Title VII, EEOC, Retaliation
August 29, 2019
Smith v. Caddell Construction Company, LLC
- Filed by Jon C. Goldfarb, L. William Smith, and Christina Malmat in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama Northern Division
- Civil Action No.: 2:19-cv-00625-WC
- Type of case: Employment Discrimination, Wrongful Discharge, Gender Discrimination, Retaliation, Title VII, EEOC
August 30, 2019
Wineman v. The City of Jacksonville
- Filed by Jon C. Goldfarb, L. William Smith, and Christina Malmat in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Southern Division
- Civil Action No.: 2:19-cv-01436-SGC
- Type of case: Employment Discrimination, Age Discrimination, ADEA, EEOC
September 5, 2019
Hughes v. Lamar Advertising Company
- Filed by Brian Clark in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Eastern Division
- Civil Action No.: 1:19-cv-01481-KOB
- Type of case: Employment, Contract